In the context of the REACH to use lead on accessible to children items restricted. Under the restriction from 01.06.2016 defned Curtain lead weight must not exceed of 0.05 μg/g/h.We, Metron have been manufacturing zinc band since 2007 for ecological requirement and now we started to produce eco-lead band due to huge demand from the curtain market. Bright white resin we use to coat lead is also approved by REACH. Metron's eco-lead has all successful test results and REACH confrmation.
Eco-lead band has very high density. It has also impervious surface for the protection of children and the environment. Flexibility of eco-lead is exactly as regular lead band. (Usual Metron Quality)
Diameters: From 1,80 to 9 mm (other diameters available) Size: From 14 to 400 gr/mt (other sizes available)